Charles Manson
è conosciuto in tutto il mondo come uno spietato serial killer, in pochi sanno che in realtà non ha mai ucciso nessuno. Simbolo del Male ed icona della malvagità, Manson è ormai diventato un mito contemporaneo e le verità della sua storia si perdono nella leggenda e nell'aneddotica.
Questo Blog non vuole in ogni caso occuparsi di violenza e di fatti di sangue, ma di musica, perchè Charles Manson prima ancora di essere implicato nel drammatico caso Tate-LaBianca è stato ed è tutt'oggi un musicista. Qui troverete una descrizione di tutti gli album di Manson e della sua comune, la Family. Quando possibile ci sarà anche un link per ascoltare o scaricare i pezzi.
Tutto questo per far conoscere anche in Italia la musica di un uomo che, date le circostanze, non ha avuto la possibilità di esprimere la sua arte.

Charles Manson Family unedited song

Thanks to Backporch Tapes here it is a short clip about Manson girls singing some words of a song I've never heard before. The song seems a little bit Always is always forever but it's not: it could be an alternative version but i'm really not sure. Does someone know more about this song?

Dome La Muerte: Garbage Dump

Dome La Muerte is a friend. He was a founding member of the Italian hardcore-punk precursors CCM (Cheetah Chrome Motherfucker), in the 80's he has been member of cult band Not Moving and in the 90's he played with The Hush and during his life he shared the stage with The Clash, Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, Johnny Thunders Heartbreakers, The Fuzztones and Iggy Pop.
Dome loves and respects Charles Manson, and he his proud to share his music. Here you can listen to Garbage Dump by Dome from the 7" Sorry I'm a Digger edited by Area Pirata in 2007.
Few days ago the new album by Dome La Muerte E.X.P.: Lazy Sunny Day (Go Down & Cinedelic) with a surprise: Sick City in a beautiful and strong version... hope to share it soon with you!

Arkansas by Charles Manson

Have you ever heard about the song Arkansas by Charles Manson? You can find it on the Lie album. And surprise... here it is Charlie rapping it in the song Poor Man Blues (from The Lost Vacaville Tape's), then the original one. Have fun!

Di nuovo in prigione, back in prison

Gen. 07 2017. In prison again says L.A.Times. In the last three days various newspapers heavily underlines Manson has not been a model prisoner, breaking rules and stuff. Ask myself why.